Conflict Intervention as Crime Prevention
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
ACD - Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal
A.C.T. - Assisting Children through Transition
ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution
BMT - Basic Mediation Training
CBO - Community-Based Organization
CC - Corporation Counsel
CCI - Center for Court Innovation
CDRC - Community Dispute Resolution Center
CJC - Community Justice Center
CMS - Community Mediation Services
COLA - Cost-of-Living Adjustment
CW - Complaining Witness
DA - District Attorney
DAT - Desk Appearance Tickets
DOE - Department of Education
DOH - Department of Health
DOP - Department of Probation
DV - Domestic Violence
DYCD - Department of Youth & Community Development
FTE - Full-Time Equivalent
FY - Fiscal Year
IMCR - Institute for Mediation & Conflict Resolution, Inc.
IPV - Intimate Partner Violence
ITT - Intention-to-Treat
MAP/15 - Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety
MOCJ - Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
NYC - New York City
NYCHA - New York City Housing Authority
NYCID - New York Center for Interpersonal Development
NYPD - New York City Police Department
NYPI - New York Peace Institute
NYS - New York State
NYSDRA - New York State Dispute Resolution Association
QMC - Queensbridge Mediation Center
QMN - Queens Mediation Network (CMS’ Queens County CDRC)
PINS - Person in Need of Supervision
PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSS - Post-Traumatic Stress Symptom
RFP - Request for Proposals
RHPP - Red Hook Peacemaking Program
RJ - Restorative Justice
RNR - Risk-Need-Responsivity
ROI - Return on Investment
SE-EIM - Special Education and Early Intervention Mediation
SQF - Stop, Question, and Frisk (NYPD Policing Tactic)
TOC - Theory/Theories of Change
ToM - Theory of Mind
UCS - Unified Court System
VOM - Victim-Offender Mediation
WSIPP - Washington State Institute for Public Policy