Combine your big ideas and project needs with our passion for Advancing Dispute Resolution. Let us work with you to create inspiring resources that enhance your capacity and extend your impact. Each project is customized to your organization's specific needs and receives the personal attention and leadership of our passionate staff. Read more about our interests below, then contact us to begin exploring your next great accomplishment.
Justin R. Corbett
Justin is the Chief Project Officer with Advancing Dispute Resolution. He previously served as the Executive Director of NAFCM: the National Association for Community Mediation, where he worked to connect the broad network of local dispute resolution programs, their staffs, and volunteer mediators. There, he developed a number of large resources, including a data- and resource-rich Board Intranet, Webinar Series, The State of Community Mediation and other publications, and the NAFCM Clearinghouse. He previously founded and led a community mediation program serving the Indianapolis metropolitan area, served as the Project Manager for the Indiana Supreme Court's Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program, and was an award-winning Associate Professor of Negotiations and ADR with Indiana University. He received graduate degrees from Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Indiana University in nonprofit management, and the University of Cambridge in cross-sector partnerships. He has served in previous leadership roles with the ACR Community Section, ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, as well as numerous local, state, and national ADR entities.
Justin's Interests: Collaborative Technologies | Data Analysis | New Resource Development | Trend Spotting
Wendy E. H. Corbett
Wendy is the Chief Research Officer with Advancing Dispute Resolution. She has been involved in the field of conflict resolution since being trained as a peer mediator at the age of nine. Since then, she has volunteered with several community, court, and university-coordinated mediation programs across the country. She has completed numerous mediation certification programs, including Virginia State Supreme Court training in both community and family mediation, as well as small claims mediation training through the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. She served for thirteen years as the Program Director of Solve-It! Community Mediation Service, a Phoenix-Metro resource for mediation, facilitation, and conflict resolution training. Through Solve-It!, Wendy trained over 4,000 Arizona residents in mediation skills via workshops, seminars, peer mediation modules, and certification courses. She also served as a Faculty Associate in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University, where she completed an MS degree in Justice & Social Inquiry, focusing on conflict resolution curriculum development. Her highly successful collaborative project, the Peer Mediators curriculum, has been shared with over 5,000 schools in 95 countries worldwide.
Wendy’s primary research interests are in school-based conflict resolution curricula; ADR program viability and sustainability strategies in market economies; and theories of behavioral economics and choice. Her passion is conflict resolution training, and her specialty is working with groups and organizations to develop custom programming.
Wendy's Interests: Curriculum & Training Re/Development | Data Analysis
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